How to Clean Solar-Panels

how to clean your solar panels

Do you know there are currently enough US solar panels installed to power over 21 million American homes? More and more people are taking advantage of solar panel benefits each year. 

Do you have panels installed at your home? Do you know how to clean solar-panels to keep them working efficiently?

The following solar panel guide will explain how to keep your panels clean the right way. Read on for solar panel tips that will ensure you get the most out of your system.

When to clean panels

Solar panels are exposed to the elements year-round. Schedule a time to clean your panels for each season of the year.

In autumn, fallen leaves can block a lot of light if you let them build up on your panels. Although, even a small amount of leaves can affect power generation.

Snow and ice become an issue for the winter. Cold weather won’t hurt high-quality panels that have low-temperature ratings. However, a layer of snow will block sunlight and reduce energy production.

Pollen often accumulates on solar panels in the spring causing lower electricity production. Wash your panels regularly during this season. Hire professionals if you’re sensitive to pollens.

Solar panels typically require less cleaning in the summer thanks to rain showers that clean them for you. Of course, if you live in a region without a lot of rainfall you might still have to do regular cleaning.

How to clean solar-panels

It’s important to make sure panels were installed by professionals like Blue Raven solar installation service providers before cleaning. Ground-mounted systems are easier to clean than roof panels, but both are possible on your own.

Only use rakes and other tools specifically designed for solar panels when removing leaves, snow, or other debris. Using the wrong tools will damage your panels.

Use soapy water and always try to avoid harsh chemicals. Use a non-abrasive sponge or a soft brush to clean dirty panels. Dry the panels using a squeegee.

It’s ok to use a standard garden hose, but avoid pressure washers because they’ll damage your solar panels.

Be careful when cleaning rooftop solar systems and consider wearing protective clothing and non-slip shoes. Make sure to drink plenty of water if you’re working in intense heat.

Knowing when panels need maintenance

Your panels probably need to be cleaned if they’re producing less energy than usual even on sunny days. Many solar inverters come with monitoring apps to track energy production using a smartphone.

The apps let you know if there’s a drop in daily kilowatt-hour output.
Checking your energy output regularly is a good habit to form. Detecting and fixing problems quickly is key to keeping your utility bill low.

Ready to clean your panels?

Now you know how to clean solar-panels and what issues each season brings. Remember this guide and don’t forget to create a cleaning schedule and always monitor your system’s energy output.

Check out the rest of our blog for more fascinating information and helpful DIY guides. 

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