What Are the Different Types of Solar Power Systems That Exist Today?

different types of solar power systems

Did you know the U.S. has enough solar panels installed to power 18.9 million homes? It appears the solar industry keeps growing year by year!

If you are one of the millions of households planning to install solar panels, you may have realized by now; solar systems are not one-size-fits-all. Different solar systems exist for different energy needs. 

If you are ready to join in on the tax credits and savings solar panels can provide, keep reading! We’ll let you know the types of solar systems on the market and hopefully shed some light on what ones will work best for your property. 

What types of solar systems are available?

Most people install solar panel systems for lower utilities bills. The amount you reduce will depend on the type of system you install. There are three basic types of systems to look into; grid-tied, grid-tied with battery backup, and off-grid. 

Grid-tied system

The majority of solar systems in the U.S. are grid-tied. This type of system works in tandem with your utility grid, so you are connected when you need to be. The solar panels work when the sun is shining, and the utility grid takes over when it’s not. 

A grid-tied system does not need to cover all of your electricity needs, as you can still pull from the grid when your panels don’t create enough electricity. The solar panels will still save you money on electrical bills because you won’t be drawing as much electricity, and any excess electricity you can sell back to your utility company through something called “net-metering.” 

Grid-tied with battery back-up

Similar to the grid-tied system we outlined above, except it has a battery backup system so you can store excess energy in solar batteries. If your state does not have net-metering capabilities, you can instead keep your excess power and pull from that instead of the grid. 

With these types of solar systems, you still have the flexibility of being tied to the grid. Being connected to the grid can help if you live in a cloudy area for long periods, particularly in the winter months. 

Off-grid residential solar 

With this type of system, you are entirely independent of the grid. When you go off-grid, you’ll need more backup batteries and likely more solar panels as well. You are looking at a much larger system, but you can live entirely off renewable energy and no longer have to worry about utility bills at all. 

Save money with the right solar energy system

The types of solar systems on the market each have their pros and cons. The decision of which one to install depends on your needs and the amount of dependence you want on the utility grid. Speak with professional solar installers at the best solar company in your region to get an opinion of what will work best for your property, and budget. 

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