How Do Solar Panels Work Exactly? A Helpful Guide

how do solar panels work

Solar panels capture the sun’s energy and convert it into electricity. Solar is an infinite, clean, and renewable energy source that more and more homeowners in the United States are switching to. While only around 6% of US households already have residential solar panels installed on their property, a further 46% say they are strongly considering installing solar panels.

If you are considering getting home solar panels, you may be wondering exactly how solar panels work? In this blog post, we will explain everything you need to know about solar panel science and highlight the primary benefits of switching to solar energy.

How do solar panels work exactly?

Solar panel technology has come a long way in recent decades, and its cost has never been lower. In fact, in the last 10 years, solar panel costs have fallen by 70%.

Solar panels contain several different parts. These include:

  • Silicon cells (also known as photovoltaic cells)
  • Metal frame
  • Glass casing
  • Inverter
  • Wiring
  • Mounting system

Typically, solar panels are installed on the roofs of residential properties where they are best exposed to the sun’s rays. In the US, south-facing roofs are the best location for solar panels to achieve maximum output.

Within the solar panels, the silicon cells act as a semiconductor wafer with both a positively-charged and negatively-charged layer. When these cells are hit by photons from sunlight, they energize and create an electric field.

Loose electrons are set into motion within the semiconductor wafer, which in turn creates an electric current. The aforementioned inverter converts the direct current electricity into alternating current electricity, which is used to power appliances within the home.

This may sound somewhat complicated, though the reality is that solar panels are simple to operate and work in the same way as electricity generated through the grid.

What are the benefits of solar panels?

For many homeowners, the primary benefit of solar panels is the ability to save thousands, even tens of thousands, of dollars on energy bills. Solar panels have the potential to help homeowners reduce their monthly energy bill to zero. Thanks to the 26% federal solar tax credit, the upfront cost of solar panels are very affordable.

The other main benefit of solar panels relates to the fact that solar energy is clean and renewable. Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy is not harmful to the environment and does not create harmful greenhouse gasses.

Click here if you are interested in learning more about solar in your area.

Discover the Benefits of Solar Panels

The above information explains the inner workings of solar panels. Advancements in technology have made today’s solar panels far more effective and efficient than in previous decades. Discover the benefits of solar panels for yourself.

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