Facts About Spain: The Land Of Rabbits

facts about spain

Traveling the world is everyone’s dream, but choosing the right country to visit is difficult because every country on this planet is uniquely beautiful. When visiting another country, always ensure that your safety is guaranteed before going there for a vacation.

Every continent has different countries, cultures, religions, and festivals, which drags you crazy to get a ticket with your friends and family. Europe is one of the most famous continents in the world because of its rich history and places to visit. One of these countries that are most visited in Spain.

Getting To Know The Land Of The Rabbits

Spain is in southwestern Europe, and its neighboring countries are Portugal and France on its side, below is Morocco, and it was founded in 1912.

The country itself is rich in arts, sports, famous beaches, national parks, historical sites, culture, mountains, religious sites, and cuisine. The population of this country is 46.7 million people.

The country is considered the 5th largest economy in the European Union, and in the world rank, they are at 13th place. Because of its famous culture and accommodating people, the country is known to be the world’s 2nd most extensive in the Tourism Industry.

Here are some fascinating Spain facts you should learn before visiting this country:

1. Birthplace of the conquerors

The country is known to be the birthplace of the three famous conquerors like Christopher Colombus, Miguel Lopez De Legazpi, Hernando Cortez, Ferdinand Magellan, and many more. They conquered several countries around the globe; then, one of the many countries is known in the present as Mexico, America, Philippines, Africa, the Caribbean, and many more.

The Spaniards were obsessed with conquering different unknown places of the earth to find new resources, money, and spread their cultures and religion. Spain was known before as one of the wealthiest countries during the early centuries.

2. Madrid as the capital city

Spain has three different famous cities, namely Barcelona, Valencia, and Madrid. Each city has its own unique destinations that attract millions of tourists. The capital city among the three is Madrid, which is best known for its renowned museums, bookstores, and winding streets. 

The city will remind you of the past because of its breathtaking beauty. Madrid is the largest city among the three, and it serves as the center of the country’s culture and finance.

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3. The islands of Spain

The country has many famous islands which attract tourists to visit during summer. Mallorca Island, Ibiza, Formentera, and Minorca are well recognized around the world for its famous picturesque coasts, fine beaches, and home to rampant drinking parties.

Thousands of people in Europe visit Spain because of these famous islands, especially Ibiza.

Other than those islands, Spain also has a unique group of Islands that has both black and white sand beaches. This island is namely called the Canary Islands. These islands are home to kite surfers and windsurfers throughout the year.

4. The Ebro river

The Ebro River is Spain’s largest river. The original name of this river is Rio Ebro, which in Latin is called the Hiberus river.

The river originated from the famous springs at Fontibre, which is near the Reinosa in the Cantabrian Mountains. This river flows 910 km down to its delta, and it is known as the largest drainage basin of the country.

5. Spain has 5 languages

Spain has five different languages, but their official language that is widely used around the country is the Castillan, which is known as Spanish in English.

The country has four regional languages aside from Castillan. The four are known as the Basque, Aranes, Catalan, and Galician.

6. What Is Spain famous for?

Aside from its historical sites, Spain is known worldwide for its Festivals, also known as “Fiestas’’ one of the most known Fiesta is the Las Fellas.

Another famous festival is La Tomatina, where people throw around 150,000 tomatoes every August of the year. Bullfighting is the number one sport in the country.

Another Spain is famous for is their cuisines, such as the famous dessert called Churros, the main dish that is perfectly paired with wine is the Paella. Spain is one of the world’s largest suppliers of olive oil.


Spain is one of a kind country that you shouldn’t miss when visiting Europe. Thanks to the bullet trains that travel across European countries, Spain is more accessible.

There are five reasons you shouldn’t miss Spain. First, the country is full of stunning scenery. Next is when it is summer you can never go wrong with their beautiful beaches.

Next to it are their fabulous cuisines, they offer fantastic food that would satisfy your cravings, and the other two things are their breathtaking cosmopolitan cities and vibrant villages.

Our life is short; make sure we enjoy every minute, so travel the world and explore its wonders. Spain should be on your bucket list.

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